Quality doesn’t mean the product returns, but the customer returns instead.

Ölmühle Ober­schwaben

With the founding and con­struc­tion of Oil Mill Ober­schwaben, Berthold Dreher is real­izing a long-term desire.

Prin­ciple: Berthold Dreher per­son­ally vouches to exclu­sively process high quality organic raw mate­rials for asso­ci­a­tion goods.

Right Time, Right Place

Up until now organic oil had to be either pur­chased or our own organic crops had to be con­tractor pressed. After building our oil mill in the con­ve­niently sit­u­ated Wangen-Schauwies busi­ness park near the A‑6 auto­bahn, we can now gather, clean and store raw product at our very own warehouse.

Our Prin­ci­ples

Berthold Dreher per­son­ally vouches to exclu­sively process high quality organic raw mate­rials for asso­ci­a­tion goods. This includes main­taining long-term part­ner­ships with farmers in order to serve them as a reli­able busi­ness partner even in times of exces­sive product availability. 

Our Quality standards

Are You a Customer?

If you are inter­ested in larger amounts or an indi­vidual label, please visit our Cus­tomer page.
